Read Studies in reading by J.W. Searson and George E. Martin Volume 3
You can download in the form of an ebook: pdf, kindle ebook, ms word here and more softfile type. Read Studies in reading by J.W. Searson and George E. Martin Volume 3, this is a great books that I think are not only fun to read but also very educational.
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This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1913 Excerpt: ...Butterworth: The Thanksgiving in Boston Harbor. Sigourney: The Indian's Welcome to the Pilgrim Fathers. Ellsworth: The Mayflower. John Boyle O'reilly: The Mayflower. THE LAST LEAF OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES 'Tin HIS poem," says Holmes, "was suggested by the A appearance in one of our streets of a venerable relic of the Revolution (Major Thomas Melville), said to be one of the parties who threw the tea overboard in Boston Harbor. He was a fine monumental specimen in his cocked hat and knee breeches, with his buckled shoes and sturdy cane. The smile with which I, as a young man, greeted him, meant no disrespect to an honest fellow-citizen whose costume was out of date, but whose patriotism never changed with years." "His aspect among crowds of a later generation," Holmes explained further, "reminded me of a withered leaf which has held to its stem, through the storms of autumn and winter, and finds itself still clinging to its bough while the new growths of spring are bursting their buds and spreading their foliage all around it." Edward Everett Hale, in speaking intimately of men and events during the past eighty years said: "Among the reminiscences of a little boy sitting on his nurse's knees to see the passers-by, I recall old Major Melville. He used to be called 'the last of the Boston Tea Party.' Doctor Holmes wrote a very pretty poem about him, which he called 'The Last Leaf on the Tree.'" The poem is, as Abraham Lincoln suggested, "inexpressibly touching," and it calls forth mingled smiles and tears. Every heart feels the deeper pathos of this simple picture of the "The Last Leaf" whose work is well-nigh o'er, but whose last feeble days are filled with the pride of patriotism and the conscious...
Read BookA devotional life of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
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